Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Creepy, Educational Content of Corpse Talk

Have you ever heard of a creepy and educating book? Well, some of you might have known this. This book is called Corpse Talk. This book has a fictional character named Adam Murphy and his also the author of this book. So basically this is the cover of the first season of Corpse Talk.
When I first have the book of Corpse Talk, I received it as a gift from my father; I got curious about what is inside that paper bag. For the past few years my father might notice me reading comics in my cell phone. As you can see I am an otaku, slight maybe.😅😅😅

This corpse talk I am talking about is a comic book actually. Inside, Adam Murphy is actually interviewing the corpse of the dead famous. He sure has great courage to face corpses.

You might think this is a very serious book. Well, you are wrong about that. Both the author and the characters sure have a lot of sense humor.🤣🤣🤣

In this book, you can read the history of those dead famous people from the whole planet. Like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the famous pianist.

Today we are going to talk about all the things I learned in the book Corpse Talk.


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I learned that Mozart started playing a piano when he is starting to make fun of his sister trying to copy her from what she is doing. He started composing songs when he is only seven. WHAT A GENIUS!!! Thanks to Corpse Talk I got to know more about him. Also I had read there that he is a music thief. He can memorize notes by only listening to it. INCREDIBLE!!! This is him, The Great Pianist.


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I found out a shocking fact about THE GENIUS ALBERT in this book. When Mr. Einstein was still a kid, he was so curious to understand the world, but his school only drills him to memorize facts, that is for him is only meaningless. He also explain the book his famous equation E=MCï¼’. E is Energy which could be light, heat or movement, the = is his big discovery, M is Mass which is weight or solidness and Cï¼’ is the speed of light multiplied by itself. Once again THE ONE AND ONLY ALBERT EINSTEIN.



Charles Dickens is one of the world's most famous authors. He wrote amazing stories like "Oliver Twist", "Great Expectations", and "A Christmas Carol". His hardships, people, places, and situations of his life fed into his stories. Like the moment when his father was thrown into Debtor's prison. Because of this he worked to paste labels onto little pots. When his father was freed from prison, he can return to his school and got a job of being a reporter. That was also the first time he was writing stories. He was so nervous that he posted it after dark. But a few weeks later it became a sensation. That's the FAMOUS AUTHOR, CHARLES DICKENS

ABRAHAM LINCOLN                                             


Abraham Lincoln is known as "The Great Emancipator" for freeing the slaves. When he was elected President, some folks became convinced that he would force them to give up their slaves. He also shared his funny story why he has a beard. He got a letter from a little girl who thought he would stand better chance of being elected with a beard. On the year 1863, he signed the most important document of his life: The Emancipation Proclamation. The book also shows that Abraham Lincoln loves to tell jokes and funny stories. The Most Famous President of USA, Abraham Lincoln.



Captain Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard is the Terror of The High Seas, The Scourge of The Spanish Main and The Curse of The Caribbean. When they attack a ship, they would do it at dusk for maximum sneak ability. At first, they would fly the same flag to trick their prey into thinking they are allies. He always dress like a monster that the people are terrified and would surrender even without a fight. In a party he was stabbed 20 times, shot him five times, and cut his head by this he was killed.

Studying the history is quite hard, but the help of Corpse Talk we will learn a partial of history. Read it and Learn Something New.


The Creepy, Educational Content of Corpse Talk

Have you ever heard of a cree py and educating book? Well, some of you might have known this. This book is called Corpse Talk. This book has...